Radiology For Patients

Schedule an Exam with Nebraska Medicine

Radiology Contact Center

Phone: 402.559.2500
Fax: 402.559.3464


Phone: 402.559.2110
Fax: 402.559.9887

Exam Preparations

What Should You Expect to Receive from Nebraska Medicine - Radiology?

Impeccable Service

We built our clinical processes around providing accurate radiologic studies and diagnoses while providing personal service that exceeds your expectations.

We deliver:

  • Quick scheduling for your patients
  • Rapid, subspecialized reporting, often in four hours or less
  • Online images and reports for instant viewing
  • Consultation with a radiology expert whenever a referring clinician desires

Specialized Expertise

Nebraska Medicine - Radiology offers a major advantage over other radiology practices: We are the only practice in Nebraska in which every study is read by the appropriate radiology subspecialist.

Our list of our subspecialties includes:

  • Abdominal imaging
  • Cardiothoracic imaging
  • Interventional radiology
  • Molecular/nuclear imaging
  • Musculoskeletal radiology
  • Neuroradiology
  • Oncologic imaging
  • Pediatric radiology
  • Women’s imaging

In addition to subspecialized reading of every study, we also have the unique ability to confer internally when necessary on difficult and rare disease processes and conditions. This provides the advantage of having multiple subspecialists review patients’ studies. Multiple review ensures that all aspects of diagnoses are thoughtfully and accurately identified.

Genuine Caring

You are greeted courteously when you call Nebraska Medicine - Radiology, and we treat your patients with care and compassion.

We recognize that many patients come to us with serious and sometimes life-threatening conditions. We treat all patients kindly. This reduces patient anxiety and builds trust that Nebraska Medicine - Radiology accurately directs subsequent therapy.

We also recognize that you expect more than just an accurate, timely report. Respect on the phone and in written communication is essential. We perform and interpret many studies every day. However, our staff and physicians share the belief that your needs and those of your patient come first.



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