Installation instructions

Thank you for helping us test the new Nebraska Medicine app! If you run into technical problems, or just have a question, email us at

iOS instructions

  1. On your iOS device, tap this link to get started:
  2. Follow the prompts to install Apple’s TestFlight app on your phone.​
  3. Once TestFlight has finished installing, if you see a screen that says “No Apps Available to Test,” click on the URL in step one a second time to finish installing the app.​
  4. Sign in to the app using your MyChart username and password.
  5. If you run into a bug, just take a screenshot of the page you’re on. Tap on the screenshot floating in the bottom left corner. When the screenshot opens up to be edited, click the share icon in the upper right, and select “Share Beta Feedback” from the options. Type in a brief explanation of the error you encountered.​

Android instructions

  1. On your Android device, tap this link to get started:​
  2. Select the "JOIN THE PROGRAM" option. If asked, use the gmail account you use to sign in to your device. 
  3. Select "download it on Google Play,"  and the app will begin to install.
  4. Sign in to the app using your MyChart credentials.​