Taking a whole-person approach to your hair, skin and nails, from the simplest concerns to the most complex, advanced treatments.

Expert care for exceptional skin

We provide extensive services for simple to complex conditions of the skin:

We have several dedicated subspecialty and multidisciplinary clinics:

What to expect

During your first visit, our exceptional nurses will walk you through the process of diagnosing your skin, nail and hair concerns. You will then receive an exam by one of our board-certified dermatologists and a treatment plan designed for you. Some skin conditions may require collaboration and care from multiple experts to ensure every aspect of your condition is managed appropriately and thoroughly.

Why choose Nebraska Medicine

Our team has significant knowledge and experience in treating the rarest and most complex dermatologic conditions. To ensure you receive the most comprehensive care, we also offer several multidisciplinary clinics that involves collaboration by multiple specialists. This allows us to provide you with a whole-person approach that covers every aspect of your care for not only your dermatologic needs but other symptoms and complications.

Our Locations

Find a Dermatology Specialist Search
  • Virtual dermatology care

    Explore our virtual options that allow you to meet with a board certified dermatologist from the comfort of your own home.

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  • Preparing for a virtual dermatology visit

    If you would like to move forward with scheduling a virtual visit, this is how you can prepare.

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