Nebraska Medicine's Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has been providing specialized care to infants and their families since 1968. We provide compassionate care fueled by leading edge expertise in all facets of neonatal medicine, so you can get your baby's life started off well.

The Parent's Corner: Answering Your Questions

As a parent of a child in the NICU, you probably have many questions about your baby's health. We wrote this letter as a place to start.

Developmental Care and For the Future of Your Baby

Our NICU embraces a family-centered environment tailored to supporting the developmental needs of premature infants. Read more about our family-centered care.

Research in the NICU

Our NICU is committed to providing the safest and most current care for your infant based on research conducted with the highest standards.  Because we know that research improves the care of infants we participate in research studies in our NICU.  All NICU research studies are approved by a group called the Internal Review Board, a group that carefully monitors the quality and safety of research performed at Nebraska Medicine. Additionally, the research we participate in is only done if you give signed permission for your infant to be involved.  Not every baby will qualify for a research study in our NICU, but every baby cared for in our NICU will benefit from the knowledge gained from studies that have been done in the past.  If you have any questions please ask your nurse or doctor.

Residency Program - Educating our Future Doctors

While your infant is in the NICU you will meet a number of people who will help care for your child.  Some of these people will be Medical Doctors who are completing training in Pediatrics. They will help to care for your infant under the supervision of a Neonatologist. As an academic medical center you can be assured your infant is getting the highest quality of care here at Nebraska Medicine. We are working to educate the doctors of the future and are committed to modeling the highest standards of care.

Simulation Lab

Nebraska Medicine has a new state of the art simulation lab where staff and students are trained with high fidelity mannequins.  We train our healthcare providers with state of the art technology to respond to any situation they might face in the course of caring for infants in the NICU. Our attention to training and retraining on critical health care needs with simulation ensures the highest quality of care.  

Nebraska Medicine's Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has been providing specialized care to infants and their families since 1968. 


Nebraska Medicine is an active participant in the Nebraska Perinatal Quality Improvement Collaborative (NPQIC).  NPQIC seeks to improve the delivery of and access to evidence-based health care for all Nebraska mothers and newborns.  Providers and Nurses at Nebraska Medicine adopt new research proven practices to ensure the highest quality care for mothers and babies and share those practices with other hospitals and providers in Nebraska through NPQIC.

Find a Newborn Intensive Care Unit Specialist Search
  • Breastfeeding and Nutrition in the NICU

    It is possible to breastfeed your infant in the NICU. Read here for more information and how to contact our two full -time Lactation Consultants.

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  • Help with your baby's care during their stay in the NICU.

    Learn the different ways you can help with your baby's care while in the NICU.

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  • Supportive Services in the NICU

    Learn more about the supportive services available for families with a child in the NICU.

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  • NICU Development and Family-Centered Care

    See how Nebraska Medicine encourages family-centered care, a team-approach to support the healthy development and well-being of your baby while in our NICU.

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