Nebraska Medicine provides a team of specialists working together to create a treatment plan customized to your needs.
Oral, head and neck cancers can have a major effect on your life, from breathing, speech and swallowing problems to self-esteem issues due to possible disfigurement to the face.
Our oral, head and neck cancer specialists see a variety of cases, including those of the upper aerodigestive tract, salivary glands, thyroid, soft tissues, and invasive skin cancers. The majority of oral, head and neck cancers affect the aerodigestive tract. That includes the lips, mouth, throat, larynx, upper esophagus, nose and paranasal sinuses.
As we take care of your treatment plan, we will also educate you on how to proceed after your diagnosis. Whether you are in need of assistance with healing from procedures or you have questions regarding supplemental nutrition, Nebraska Medicine provides a full-service program with a team brought together for your specific situation.
This helps each of your doctors and specialists to communicate easily about all pieces of your treatment, ensuring you have the plan that most suits your individual diagnosis.
Types of Cancer
- Laryngeal Cancer
- Oral Cancer
Why Choose Nebraska Medicine for Oral, Head and Neck Cancer
A Team Approach
To ensure you get the best care possible, treatment for your cancer is discussed by multiple doctors in a weekly conference that includes experts from radiation therapy, medical oncology, surgical oncology, pathology, audiology, dental oncology and plastic and reconstructive surgery to formulate a treatment plan for each individual. The expertise of specialists is also incorporated, including plastic and reconstructive surgeons, dental oncologists and prosthodontists, as well as speech and swallowing specialists. Using a comprehensive and personalized plan, our goal is to maintain your ability to function and ultimately get you back to a full life.
An Arsenal of Weapons to Battle Head and Neck Cancers
Our doctors only deploy what makes sense based on your precise diagnosis and personal history. The list of cancer treatments includes radiation, chemotherapy and resection using the most advanced surgical techniques. All patients undergoing cancer treatment with Nebraska Medicine have access to our Infusion Center at the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, which serves as a treatment center and urgent-care-type facility for those battling cancer.
Help with Depression
Head and neck cancers profoundly affect you and the lives of those around you. It may change your facial appearance as well as the ability to speak and eat. For your family, those painful and lasting transformations can be incredibly difficult to stand by and witness. Depression can become an issue. To help you with this challenge, Nebraska Medicine has done extensive research to determine treatment options for depression because it has a profound effect on whether you complete cancer treatment.
Clinical Trials
Nebraska Medicine can offer you many new therapies and surgical techniques for oral, head and neck cancers before they are available elsewhere through our extensive involvement in research and clinical trials. This gives you early access to some of the most promising and breakthrough therapies, providing you the best possible outcomes.
Cancer Support Services
Finding out that you have cancer can be a very emotional and difficult time. You will likely have many questions and issues to work through. We will be with you every step of the way. Nebraska Medicine offers a host of cancer support services to help you with your physical, emotional, educational and financial needs.
We're Here for you Long After Your Treatment
Our Survivorship Clinic is designed to help you deal with the emotional and physical challenges cancer can leave behind such as fear of recurrence, physical and medical long-term side effects and helping you return to a normal life again. It will also help you transition back into the care of your primary care physician.
Our Locations
Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center - Nebraska Medical Center
505 S 45th St.
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Omaha NE 68105
Cancer support services
From support groups to wellness centers to help you with the physical and emotional changes you're experiencing, see a list of all our supportive services for cancer patients.
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Cancer accreditations and awards
This is the best page to visit to see a running list of our accreditations and awards in the field of cancer treatment and research.
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