Multidisciplinary Autoimmune Lung Disease Clinic

Multidisciplinary Autoimmune Lung Disease Clinic

We offer a special clinic for patients with autoimmune lung diseases. Patients are able to obtain all necessary testing including pulmonary function tests, imaging, and blood testing; consult with both pulmonology and rheumatology doctors specializing in the care of autoimmune lung diseases; and participate in research. 

Appointments are available during the 1st and 3rd Thursday afternoons of each month in the Internal Medicine Clinic on the level five of the Durham Outpatient Center. Testing is scheduled prior to clinic appointments.


Doctors on this team include:

To refer patients, please contact Teresa Kerkman, RN at the following:


For more information or to discuss a potential referral please contact:


To speak to either of them, call 402.559.7288.

Have questions? We're here to help.

Contact us to make an appointment
