You are finally ready to take your baby home. Congratulations!
Allow us to share a general checklist with you so you can begin to prepare for your baby's homecoming.
Choose a Doctor to Follow Your Baby
A family practice physician or pediatrician can be chosen. It is recommended that you check with your specific insurance plan to determine your choice of doctors. We recommend someone close to your home.
Hearing Screen
Your baby will receive a hearing test before going home. If either parent has a congenital hearing loss, please inform your baby's nurse or doctor. This would be an indication to have your baby's hearing tested.
Eye Exams
If your baby is 32 weeks gestation or less, he or she will be scheduled for an exam four to six weeks after birth. If your baby is discharged prior to this time, an appointment will be made for an outpatient eye exam. Your baby may have several eye exams during the hospital stay to monitor the development of the internal eye.
Immunization series can begin in the NICU prior to discharge, or you can have them given at the doctors' office. Baby's who are 2 months old or older should receive immunizations in the NICU once they are stable.
Car Seats
We encourage you to bring your baby's infant car seat at or around the time your baby has graduated to an open crib. You are encouraged to review the car seat safety video available through hospital TV network called Video on Demand. Please ask your baby's nurse for instructions on viewing the videos. Infant car seats are designed for babies who weigh less than 20 pounds. We strongly discourage the use of toddler car seats. Please read both the car seat instruction manual and your vehicle instructions for correct installation of a car seat.
This is an elective surgical procedure and you will need to inform your nurse if you choose to have your son circumcised. The procedure is done by a doctor close to the time of discharge.
If your baby needs home equipment such as a monitor or oxygen, the case manager in the unit will visit you about selecting a company and arrange with you a date and time for training on the home medical equipment.
Nurse Visit
Arrangements can be made for a nurse to visit your baby at home after discharge to do an assessment of your baby and answer any of your questions regarding your baby's care. The nurse is also available to assist you with breast feeding.
Rooming In
This an opportunity for all parents prior to taking their baby home, with or without medical equipment, to spend time with your baby in a private room with a home like setting. The parents provide all of their baby's care and gain comfort in working with the equipment after they have received the equipment training. Your baby will have an assigned nurse that will help when needed or to answer any questions.
Follow-up Appointments
Appointments will be scheduled prior to discharge. You will receive appointment cards with clinic phone numbers and location.
Cradle Pictures
Photographs can be taken before your baby goes home. You may bring a special outfit to have your baby's picture taken in. You have the option to order photos.
Classes offered at Nebraska Medicine
Baby Care/Childbirth Education and Breastfeeding