Our Comprehensive Sickle Cell Clinic helps support the overall health of patients with sickle cell disease or other inherited hemoglobin disorders.
The clinic features a multidisciplinary team of doctors dedicated to treating sickle cell patients, advanced practice providers, pharmacists, psychologists, pain management specialists, nutritionists, social workers and physical therapists. We pride ourselves on working closely with our patients to manage acute pain in an outpatient setting when possible.
In addition to medications such as hydroxyurea, crizanlizumab and voxelotor, our clinic offers the only exchange transfusion program for adults in Omaha.
The Comprehensive Sickle Cell Clinic utilizes guidelines from the American Society of Hematology and the National Institute of Health.
How you can help with your success:
- Engage with your providers and have a desire to feel better.
- Commit to attending appointments at least every three months.
- Follow recommendations made by our team to improve your health.
- Ask questions.
- Resources:
Our commitment to you:
- Provide access to specialized hematology providers you will see every two to three months
- Individualized care with pharmacists so you understand your medications and get questions answered.
- Discussion with experts for pain management goals and the opportunity to ask questions.
- Adjust medications specifically for you.