Lung Transplant Care After You Head Home

Nebraska Medicine provides personalized care, from your initial evaluation well past your transplant surgery

The extraordinary care you receive while hospitalized at Nebraska Medical Center does not end at the time of discharge. Our lung team continues to closely follow and monitor your progress throughout the life of your transplanted organ. This includes regular appointments, tests and biopsies of the transplanted lung. Our team is available to you, your family members and your local physician to answer any questions after your transplant.

You play a very important part in making your transplant a success. There are four basic patient responsibilities after transplant:

  1. Take all medications as instructed.
  2. Have all lab work and testing done as scheduled.
  3. Call the transplant coordinator for any symptoms of rejection, infection or other problems.
  4. Keep regular appointments with your doctor.

Have questions? We're here to help.

Contact us to make an appointment
