Choose Nebraska Medicine for Endometriosis Care

Some women with endometriosis have no symptoms while others will experience painful periods, heavy bleeding, pelvic pain during ovulation and pain during bowel movements or urination. A sometimes painful disorder of the reproductive system, endometriosis usually strikes women during their reproductive years and is often associated with infertility. But thanks to advances in new therapies and treatments, our doctors are having much more success at treating endometriosis. If you think you may have endometriosis, don't delay seeking treatment. Endometriosis tends to worsen with time, and therefore, it is important to seek early treatment.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Expertise

Our doctors work hard to pair your treatment to best match the severity of your symptoms and whether you’re planning to become pregnant. Many women can be treated successfully with oral contraceptives and/or hormone agonist inhibitors, both of which lower hormone levels, which helps reduce the endometrial implants. In more severe cases, surgery may be recommended to remove the endometrial growths.

Dedicated Women's Health Center

Designed specifically for women, the Olson Center for Women's Health is dedicated to meeting all of your women's health needs. For annual exams, digital mammograms, or serious concerns, you’ll see top doctors who are leaders in medicine and specialists in your particular condition.

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