It is frightening and heart-breaking to struggle with confusion and memory loss, or to watch a family member do so.

Alzheimer's disease is a debilitating experience both for the person going through it and the caregivers. There is as yet no cure for Alzheimer's, but at Nebraska Medicine, we have the experts and know-how to help those suffering from Alzheimer's to have the best quality of life for as long as possible.

So if you feel like you or someone close to you may be suffering from more than simple spells of forgetfulness, please come talk to us.

Visit the Experts at Nebraska Medicine Because

We Offer a Dedicated Memory Disorders Clinic

At Nebraska Medicine's Memory Disorders Clinic, you'll find experienced neurologists who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment and management of Alzheimer's, as well as other memory disorders.

Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, affects one out of every nine people who are 65 or older.

Managing the care of an Alzheimer’s patient can be complex, challenging and time-consuming.

We have a multi-disciplinary team of experienced specialists including neurologists, geriatricians, geriatric neurologists, geriatric psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, nurse case managers, therapists (physical, speech and occupational therapists) and social workers to develop the best care plan for you or your family member.

We Proactively Manage Your Case

People with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders tend to do much better when they are evaluated and diagnosed early so that a plan of care can be developed and the disease can be managed proactively. Our experienced multi-disciplinary team will help by accurately diagnosing the problem, assessing its severity, and developing a personalized plan for optimal care and treatment.

We Will Assist with All Aspects of the Disease and Care Management

We are with you throughout the entire disease process. We will help you address other important issues like safety, ability to drive, administration of medications, and the ability to make financial decisions. We will also help begin discussions about assigning a power-of-attorney, creating a living will with advanced directives and connecting you to community resources. Alzheimer’s is a long and emotional process, and you should not feel guilty about seeking outside resources to assist whenever possible. We will be there to help you with this process and to help you make the best decisions.

The Newest Drugs and Ground-Breaking Clinical Trials

Nebraska Medicine participates in national clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease. These trials focus on testing new drug treatments that are designed to prevent the development of the disease or slow its progression.

By receiving treatment here, your loved one may have early access to some of the newest treatment options for Alzheimer's.

We also have a new and unique research laboratory dedicated entirely to improving mind and brain health across the lifespan.

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