Nebraska Medicine's orthopaedic doctors see more than 35,000 patients a year for bone-related issues, from simple fractures to the most complex traumas. While we work closely with primary care doctors on the more typical bone fractures, the orthopaedic team here are experts on treating every bone in the human body. We're particularly concerned with helping those with osteoporosis not suffer from repeatedly fracturing bones.

We Offer Extraordinary Care for Broken Bones of All Types 

Fragility Fractures

Some of the most minor fractures can cause mobility problems for years to come if they do not heal properly at the outset. That's why even if you have what is considered a fragility fracture - what is typically considered simply falling from a standing or sitting position - you ought to see the best doctors available.  These fractures costs more than $19 million, and that number is expected to nearly double by 2020.

Half of all women and up to one quarter of all men will suffer a fragility fracture in their lifetimes. And once you have a fracture, you're twice as likely to have another one at some point. Five to 10 percent of patients experience a recurrent hip fracture within 3.3 years of the first fracture.

Specialization in Osteoporosis Fueled Fragility Fractures

We have an endocrinologist who regularly sees patients with fragility fractures caused by osteoporosis. 

Bones Failing to Heal Correctly

If you're in pain or a limb feels unstable after it supposedly healed - called nonunion - we can help relieve your pain and get your bone permanently repaired so you can use it properly. If your bone did heal, but left you deformed, or it shortened in the process, that's called malunion, and we often treat those issues as well.

Infections in Your Broken Bone

Whether the infection came in due to  a traumatic event or a chronic disease like Rheumatoid arthritis, we often successfully treat the infections with antibiotics, and if necessary, surgery. In order to properly diagnose you, we  have the latest in computed tomography (CT) scanning, as well as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning.

Orthopaedic Trauma

Nebraska Medicine is the only state designated Comprehensive Trauma Center in Nebraska serving both children and adults. Our trauma specialty team evaluates and treats fractures and dislocations, both common and complex. Poly-traumatized patients and those with long-bone and pelvic trauma benefit from a full array of emergency services, diagnostic imaging, and consultation with a variety of subspecialty medical and surgical services.

Trauma team doctors use a variety of advanced techniques to repair fractures, and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. An outpatient clinic is also available for long-term follow-up if necessary.

We Are Able to Bring You the Latest Research Technology in Healing Bones

If you were to step into our research lab, you're likely to watch whirring machines testing the durability of the next generation of prosthetic knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and ankle prosthetic implants. We're one of only a handful of centers in the world researching and writing the standards for the next generation of prosthetic joint implants. Often manufacturers will request that we serve as an independent lab, making sure what they are building will withstand the Federal Drug Administration's requirements. We're also researching the diagnosis, care and prevention of a wide variety of diseases affecting the bones. We're working toward developing increasingly less intrusive ways of performing surgery as well, including computer-aided robotic surgery techniques.

Conveniently Located

We can serve you at either our Lauritzen Outpatient Center on the Nebraska Medical Center campus, as well as out west at our Oakview location. At both locations we offer free parking in front of the building.

Our Locations

Find a Bone Fractures Specialist Search
  • Laura Graeff-Armas, MD, endocrinologist

    Good bone health starts as a child

    Osteoporosis is often called the brittle bone disease. About one in two women and up to one in four men age 50 and older in the U.S. will break a bone due to osteoporosis. Learn what you can do to prevent osteoporosis.

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We Were the First in Nebraska to Implement the Bone Program

Nebraska Medicine's Doctors were the first in Nebraska to implement the American Orthopaedic Association’s Own The Bone™ Program to reduce fractures related to osteoporosis. The program is aimed to better identify, evaluate and treat patients that suffer from an osteoporosis or low bone density-related fragility fracture (a broken bone that results from a fall from standing height or less). It brings focus to the severe health implications of fragility fractures and the multi-faceted approach hospitals or clinics can employ to ensure these patients receive the most comprehensive care.

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