4 dermatologic conditions that are common in people of color

Wondering whether that skin issue is serious? Get expertise on several conditions that are typical for people of color. Dermatologist Kristie Hayes, MD, is the medical director of the Ethnic Skin clinic, and addresses these issues and more.
"We're hoping to develop best practices and protocols driven by science," says Dr. Hayes. "This is especially beneficial for people of color, who haven't always had therapies tailored just for them."
Chronic skin conditions, like eczema, can leave excessive pigment even after the flare up has stopped. "Treatments are customized to each person's need," says Dr. Hayes. "We address the underlying cause of the hyperpigmentation first."
Also called pimples or zits, acne affects all races and genders. In ethnic skin, acne sometimes leaves darker spots after the inflammatory stage. This is called "post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation" or PIH. Acne can cause permanent discoloration or scars, so early treatment is key.
Extra scar tissue can sometimes form raised growths called keloids. Unlike typical scars, the keloid grows much larger than the original wound. Sometimes these growths feel itchy, tender or painful.
Hair loss or hair breakage
Did you know dermatologists also help with hair problems? "We treat hair, skin and nails," says Dr. Hayes. The curlier the hair, the more susceptible it is to breakage. "First we determine whether the problem is due to hair care practice or an underlying medical disorder," says Dr. Hayes. For example, inflammatory scalp disease can affect hair growth. Then Dr. Hayes can prescribe the right kind of treatment.
See a dermatologist who understands ethnic skin
Dr. Hayes chose a career in dermatology because she likes treating patients of all ages and all types of issues. "I find dermatology so fascinating because it's such a range of conditions," Dr. Hayes says. "You get both acute and chronic conditions, as well as a range of diseases from infectious to congenital."
She also appreciates that dermatology is such a visual field. "Your skin is a mirror of your underlying health," she says. "It can show damage from the sun or reflect your lifestyle choices."
Dr. Hayes is experienced in treating people of color with all types of skin and hair conditions. Call 800.922.0000 to schedule an appointment at the Ethnic Skin clinic.