You asked, we answered: How do I replace a lost COVID-19 vaccine card?

COVID-19 vaccine card


I have already been vaccinated about two months ago at the Douglas County Hospital, but I lost my vaccine card. How do I get a copy of it?


In Nebraska, all organizations that provide vaccinations must document that a vaccine was given in the Nebraska State Immunizations Information System (NESIIS). 

The health department of the county you were vaccinated in should be able to query this database and then issue you a new vaccine card. 

How to request a new card from nearby health departments: 

  • Douglas County Health Department  
    • Call 402.444.3400 to request a new card
  • Sarpy/Cass Health Department 
    • Prefers you try to first contact the health provider or pharmacy that vaccinated you to see if they will re-issue the card
    • If they can't re-issue the card, call 402.339.4334 to request a new card
  • Three Rivers Health Department (Dodge, Saunders and Washington counties) 
    • Also prefers you try to first contact the health provider or pharmacy that vaccinated you to see if they will re-issue the card
    • If they can't re-issue the card, call 402.704.2066 to request a new card

If you don't live in Nebraska

Most states have databases similar to NESIIS.  View a list of state immunization databases.

Every state and county is a little bit different, but here are two approaches to try:

  • Go back to the organization that originally vaccinated you. See if they have access to look up your COVID-19 vaccination record in their electronic health record or your state's database
  • Call the health department responsible for the region you were vaccinated in. This may be a city, county or state health department, it varies by location